Leadership Themes

Leaders Read, Think and Learn [RTL]

“Everything roots, rises, stabilizes, and falls on leadership”

– Dr Mike Ihezuo

“Everything [everything] rises and falls on the leader”

– Dr John C Maxwell

“Everything stops at the bulk of the leader [president]”.

– Fmr US Pr. Roosevelt

Build and expand your THINKING skills so you’ll be able to fully consider all sides of an issue and anticipate a broader range of possibilities.

See how you will benefit from


  • Become familiar with different 25 styles of thinking and identify your personal preferences
  • Expand your thinking skills to anticipate a broader range of possibilities
  • Improve your ability to influence others
  • Learn strategies to help you consistently make better conclusions and decisions
  • The best ways to challenge assumptions and perceptions
  • The Socratic method of questioning to get answers OR Brainstorming Skills
  • How to break down barriers to innovation and creative thinking
  • Techniques for finding out what you don’t know and solving the real issues
  • To recognize and the skills to challenge assumptions and expand perceptions
  • Managing team idea exchanges OR Problems Solving Skills
  • Plus …
Proctles critical thinking
proctles leadership dev
proctles leadership college

Be the Leader you desired to be.

proctles pub speaking








…leadership developments are available.

The Menu


One of the essentials of leading is to make people strive for excellence. This  brings out true leadership from leaders…

proctles leadership

There are concepts and idea guiding the theory of leadership. These are foundational to the understanding the concept.

time 4 change

Only leaders can effectively lead change, & change only becomes effective from the top, not bottom or peer-level.

time management


Many people are grossly ineffective. Effective leaders can find out what should be done to get results and doing the right thing, before doing it right. 


LD are designed to help leaders to be ready for their new challenges. responsibilities and to  discover the heart, soul & mind of leading.

proctles conflicts management

Leading is an art and a science, hence respond to laws or rules. Leaders themselves have qualities they exhume that make them deliver effectively.

Proctles Leadership Consultancy is just awesome

Mentorship, Coaching and Organizational Development should be what we look beyond capacity development, but Consultancy, Advisory & Outsourcing.


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