Who We Are

About, About Us, About Proctles, What We Do, Who We Are, Who Work With Us, And Who We Work With.

Organizations’ leaders should develop the capacity, capability to identify great consultants; for there lies their successes in capacity development.

It is not about going for “big names” or a professional body. The organizations leaders’ concerns should be who can help our organizations in the most effective manner,  solve our problems efficiently, and make us perform productively; it’s not good after removing shit, the shit will still be smelling [i.e., after “solving a problem”, the problem still stare at the Management [persist]. This is a technical error.

great advice

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ProctlesHCD, a Professional Service Firm With a Global Approach to Manpower Development

Our Environmental Approach

Globalization, competition, technology, multi-culturalism, diversity, rate of change, sophisticated quality taste and competitive price are today a great concern for Human Resources cum Organizational Development. This is for achieving organizational goal of being on top of competition especially for organizations operating internationally.

The growth of knowledge-based society, along with pressures of opening up emerging markets, has led cutting-edge global companies to recognize now more than ever that human resources and intellectual capital are as significant as financial assets in building sustainable competitive edge.

At ProctlesHCD, this is our profundity!

The consent lack of global multicultural management talent is biting hard on many companies’ bottom lines, hence ProctlesHCD understands and believes the place of cultural, social, emotional and execution intelligences when imparting our participants.

Proctles Group is at home with this thinking by reason of exposure, experience and learning. We think and have a global view standard in our applications of our knowhow and in delivery of our seminal contents.

Our approach is rather leadership and emotional intelligence even if a participant is operator, so as to make them to be responsible problem solvers, and team workers.


Proctles Consulting performs varieties of services in the field of Public Administration for Local, State and Federal Government administrations in Nigeria including but not  limited to Building Structure, Providing Advice and Technical Assistance To Government officials, Councils, Municipalities and Communities on Governance, Projects, Conflicts Management, Technology, Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Strategy matters involving powers which may be exercised by a Local, State Agency Government unit; conducting or participating in public hearings, seminars or group workshops, examining subjects of contemporary interests in the field of local government; researching, presenting findings and reports on topics of public concern; coordinating intergovernmental programs and providing direct management assistance to community and LG representative bodies.

Services we render to

Local Governments Areas, Local Government Councils, Local Government Commissions & State Government, and Federal Government Agency Services.

Proctles is distinguished in Administration and Management delivery across its chosen areas.

Training is a great tool of empowerment. Knowledge is power; Learning is the tool.

Proctles has 2 levels she assists LGs to deliver – advisory and supervision & training and workshop.

Are you a government official? Are you interested? >>>


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Meet Our Experts

Professor Chris Akpotu

Management, Organization Behaviour, OD, Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Professor Okey Wokasu

Management, Risk Management, Professional Practice & Acts, Law

Dr Mike Oguchi Ihezuo

Management, Strategy, Leadership, Conflicts, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Projects

Professor Harcourt Woko

Management, Entrepreneurship, Operations & Projects Management

Barr Okwudiri Nwogu,

M/S of Rosyokwu & Partners, a barrister & solicitor of S/C of Nig, in Civil & Criminal jurisprudence On Corporate, Env'al, Claims, Women & Child.

Valentine Amadi, HND, MSc

a Corporate Finance. expert in Development of Cowry Assets Mng't. He's an experienced pro in Comm'l & Investment Banking in a Financial Advisory role.


From Our Great Clients.

Since 2005, Proctles has been on the cutting edge in consultancy in Management and Business.

…let us do business together.


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